- Speak everything God tells you to say. Be bold not a people pleaser.
- We’re done playing games; we’re here for the real thing.
- You will never be as joyful as when you are following the Holy Spirit, but this takes letting go. Let go.
- You will not be loved by everyone, be willing to take some hits.
- James 5:17- “Elijah was as human as we are…” Big thought! Elijah was used by God to a huge impact on the world and he was just as normal as you or I.
Cool Francis stories/illustrations:
- Two years ago Francis was burned out by church. He told his elders he was going away for a while and didn’t know if he was coming back. He was gone for a few months and started listening only to the Holy Spirit and not people. His church had a $20 million building fund set up that they were about to reach. He asked, “Do you know how many orphans and widows we could take care of with $20 million?” They scraped the building project and now meet outside in an amphitheater!
- He raised a really hard question: If you had never heard about God and were on a desert island with nothing but a Bible where you studied about the church. Could you come to America and find the church the bible talks about? Does it exist as the Word says it should?
- He talked about how he was an effective communicator, could draw a crowd and pull together an amazing band. He's gifted in that way. He could probably do it all w/o consulting God. The he posed the question: "If Jesus had a church down the street from mine, would mine be bigger? Would people be more comfortable here? Would it be easier to come because we didn't ask too much of them?" Interesting...