Monday, June 30, 2008


God is teaching me a lot about my motives. I have always craved validation, approval and affirmation from people to let me know I was a "good christian". Growing up I tried to be extra good by going the extra mile for people, letting others know I was praying for them, reading my bible every night and being involved in christian organizations and bible studies. Today I can get caught in that same mental trap of performing by going on lots of missions, being a volunteer on the weekends or working tons of overtime at my job. These are all great things but what is my motive behind it? Am I focused on what others think, "Do people see what I'm doing?" "Do they know how hard I'm working?" "What do they think of me?". Or am I focused on how God wants to use me asking questions like, "God, how do you want to use me on this mission?" "What areas do you want me to serve?" "What direction do you want to take my projects and the missions ministry?"

God is showing me more and more that I have it backwards. My focus, love and attention all needs to be on God and daily growing in my personal relationship with him. I truly truly want to do what God has created me to do, I want him to use me to make a signficant impact on his Kingdom. I am working on keeping this focus on God and not worrying about approval of others. I'm excited to see where God takes me!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Focus on the Impossible

Today God is teaching me how big He really is and how small I perceive him to be sometimes. I honestly don't feel like my stubborn heart is completely listening to him today, but I'm working on it! My boss sent me an article that talked about the difference between reducing poverty and eliminating it. Our minds should never be focused just on reducing poverty but should always be looking at what we can do to eliminate it! That brings up so many thoughts! How many times do I think so small? Everyday! I focus on, in my mind, what is possible. The things that are possible are things I can do with my own strength. I want to start focusing on the impossible and see where God takes me from there! Buckly your seatbelts it's going to be a wild ride!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


God has taught me today not to concentrate on things that don't go as planned but instead to concentrate and celebrate the way he works in all situations. A marjority of the time my "critiquing" side takes over and I miss the amazing way God works through even "not so clean" details. I wrap myself up in "what can we do better next time" opposed to seeing all that God did and celebrate God's victories used through chaos. It will be a big mental switch for me but one I know God is challenging me to make. Even though things might not go as I have planned God has the ultimate playbook and I need to always trust in that.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


God taught me to day that I LOVE my job. I'm pretty much excited about every project on my plate right now. I feel like God is bringing something alive inside of me that has been stagnate for quite some time. I'm really excited to see where he is taking me in this roller coaster season. I feel like right now all pride is aside and I just want to accomplish things that will benefit the Kingdom! It's amazing how your attitude and priorities change when you are focused on Christ and expecting him to do something HUGE!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Be Expectant

God has taught me today through listening to Perry Noble's message. He has taught me to always be expectant and anticipate that he is going to move in huge ways in my life. If I'm in a slump or not hearing direction from him maybe, just maybe, I'm not expecting him to move. It's a daily decision to wake up and say "God what do you have for me today?" "Where do you want me to go?" "Who do you want me to talk to?" I'm in no way great at doing this, but I pray expectantly for God to help me change my heart and am excited to see what he does once I fully open myself up to his direction.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Godly People

God's taught me today how important my friends are in my life. A lot of time I take for granted that they are there for me to lean on for support. God's blessed me with so many amazing people to learn and grow from and I am truly greatful. A lot of times when I think I'm standing alone all I have to do is look around and see how many loving and supportive people are around me every day. I just have to be willing to take advantage and intentional time with those I love most.