Thursday, July 24, 2008


I ran into a girl I knew in college today, which was a bit strange since she had just come to my mind yesterday. I felt this couldn't just be coincidence and I knew I should invite her to church. She always was the fun outgoing girl, but I always got the impression she was sad and hurting on the inside. I talked to her for less than five minutes and of course I hestitated, in my head I was saying, "Evangelism isn't one of my spiritual gifts, I don't want to make her feel awkward, and I don't want to feel stupid!". I can remember countless times when I've been in this same situation and I let it pass by. I didn't want to do it again. I told her I would love to take her to LifeChurch if she ever wanted to check it out. She responded with the polite "Oh yeah, thanks..." I left it at that, but as I was walking out I knew I didn't do enough. I decided I would go find internet access (sorry no iphone here) somewhere, find her on Facebook and give her times, locations and info on the internet campus. I just finished that up and am praying that God uses it to change her life and bring her peace and joy like she's never experienced.

My prayer for myself is for more boldness and that God will give me the words to say. This wasn't just a random girl from college, it's an eternal life and I should be jumping at the chance to invite her to church, not hestitating! There is no greater honor than to know the God of the universe can and wants to use me to advance His Kingdom! Now I'm looking around I-hop to who I can invite next :). Who do you need to invite?


Mike Skinner said...

Hi, Jessica!

I came across your blog this morning and I want to encourage you in the direction you're being led. It's hard to overcome our natural reluctance to step out. If it sometimes makes you feel inferior to think "evangelism is not my gift," remember that it's still your calling! (Matthew 28:18-20, John 20:21, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, Acts 1:8) We presume Timothy's gift was pastor-teacher, yet the Apostle Paul instructed him to "do the work of an evangelist." (2 Timothy 4:5)

The ministry I'm involved in can help. You mentioned using Facebook to reach your friend: why don't you put our 4 Steps To God widget on your Facebook page? Not only does it present the Gospel, but it gives people the opportunity to respond. We have over 1200 volunteers worldwide who help us follow up with people personally when they respond. (It's a great way to sharpen your evangelism skills in a safe, anonymous environment see

If you look me up on Facebook, you can see what it looks like!

Jessica said...

Thanks Mike! I'll definitely check it out!

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard to invite someone to a place we are so proud of and so excited about?? Doesn't ever make sense to me but I'm right there with ya!

Way to go! You're my inspiration to invite someone new :)

Jayma said...

I'm the worst at this. It's just my natural respose to be uninviting - when I discover some really awesome new music, or when I find a really good bargain, I never tell people about it. It all stems from my own fear of them not liking it (and me feeling the rejection for that - so stupid)

My goal has been, in general, to start inviting people into my life and into cool things...we should especially be doing that for the Kingdom. That's why I started blogging. :)

Great post girl!