Friday, December 26, 2008

sub - merg [suhb-murj]

Submerg: To be covered or lost from site.

I have a crazy-insane desire to be fully submerged in God day and night. To wake up with Him on my mind, to go through my day chatting with Him and ending my nights with a "I love you God- talk to you in the morning."

Unfortunately, that's not the way many of my days turn out. I wake up late for work and am in a hurry. I go through my workday tasks never stopping to tell Him a simple "I love you, what do you want me to do for you today?" By bedtime I'm so exhausted I can hardly comprehend the Bible verse I just read.

In my "performance driven" mind I have to realize that I'm not perfect and my relationship with Christ isn't where it should be. There is always more to learn and ways to grow spiritually. So how do I work daily towards being "submerged" in God? First, I believe it's important to have that as a focus in front of me daily. Each morning that is where I can start.

"Lord, help me be submerged in you. I not only want to be fully submerged in You but I want to be "lost from site". I don't want my life here to be about me or my accomplishments or how I was perceived by others. Please use me to make a difference for you. I'm only on this earth for a short time, but desperately want to make an eternal impact for your Kingdom. Challenge me and help me to walk in faith even when I don't understand. Love you- talk to you in the morning."


Anonymous said...

Hi I'm a girl from Taiwan and I just saw your blog . I think it's great. My English is not very good.haha !And nice to meet you =))

Anonymous said...

Hello i'm a girl from Taiwan.I just saw your blog and i think that it's great.My English is not really great so i couldn't tell you how i really feel.sorry!and nice to meet you =))

Jessica said...

LaurenceJenny- Thanks for reading and glad you enjoyed it!